Friday, September 9, 2011

Tangled- An Open Letter to Disney

Dear Disney,

I miss real animation. Computer-generated animation just doesn't impress me like old fashioned pen and paper. ReBoot was incredible when in came out in 1994 and Toy Story was equally impressive in 1995. Since then, CG animation hasn't done a thing for me. Don't get me wrong Pixar is the best studio in town. They have never produced a bad movie and until they do I will always be there opening weekend, (And Dreamworks has made a few good CGA movies as well.) but Pixar's success is in the quality of writing and direction, not in the power of their CPU's. 

I remember the days when you're animation department was just like Pixar. Every year, you made a good animated film. Many of them were great, but every when they were bad they were still pretty good. And then right about when Pixar was hitting their stride, you came out with some true stinkers (Brother Bear and Lilo and Stitch come to mind) and then you quit. What happened? Did you send all the good writers to Pixar? If so, could you get some of them back? I miss you, Disney.

I think you still have the knack. You're last two traditionally animated offerings, The Princess and the Frog and Winnie the Pooh, were brilliant. Shame on you, Disney, for releasing Winnie the Pooh so quietly, it was the funniest movie I have seen in years. (I love forth wall humor.) 

So, I am making you a vow, Disney. If you make a traditionally animated film, you will get my money. I want to give it to you. Please take it from me, but please leave CGA to your little brother.

Which brings us to Tangled...

I love a good trailer and this one for Tangled was one of the best I've ever seen. 

That was so cool. Ass-kicking princess with prehensile hair, CGA and an alt-rock soundtrack, I knew I was looking at the next Shrek. And when I found out, it was your first PG rating, I was certain of it. Then I got to the theater...and it was an old fashioned Disney film IN 3D. All I could think of throughout the whole thing was "I've fallen for a bait-and-switch scam and this would be so much better if it was traditionally animated."

It's not just a nostalgia trip. Everything about Tangled felt like a first draft. The songs were listless and poorly written. The punchlines always just missed the mark. It felt like there was a good film just below the surface dying to get out, but it was just not given the chance. Traditional animated films take more time and money to make. I'm sure that if that additional investment had been made, you could have found that magic.

I'm not sure why Tangled got a PG rating, but when does the MPAA ever make sense. It wasn't as violent as some of your other offerings, like Mulan, nor was it as scary as The Lion King. In fact, there was nothing at all violent or frightening about this very bland movie. I did notice some excellent CGA boobies though which knowing the MPAA's hatred for anything remotely sexual is probably the source of the elevated rating. I wasn't trying to be a perv, but was so bored between appearances of the scene stealing horse that I found counting cleavage shots a great way to pass the time.

In short, please get back to making traditional animation and leave the CGA to Pixar.

An animation fan

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