Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome to No Spoiler Tags

This is not a movie review blog. It is for movie discussions. I won't use spoiler tags because all I do is spoil. This site is designed for people who have seen the movie and want to read something about it afterwards. Sometimes the posts might border on a review, but that's not really the point. It's a spot for me to post whatever I feel about the movie and you can disagree in the comments.

I won't discuss every movie that comes out. Just whatever I've seen (or thought about) recently and have something to say about (or more often tangentially related to it). It may be out now or the old obscure foreign film I just got from Netflix. This is my place, I'll do what I want.

To me there is a difference between the words movie and film. A movie is made to be entertaining, while a film is made to be art or make a statement. Films may entertain, like Forest Gump, and movies may make a statement, like The China Syndrome, but they're primary purposes are different. So anytime you see those words in bold, I am referring to these definitions.

Update: My labeling conventions have gotten pretty complex. If you need a little help, well that why I have a Tag Key.

With that said, let's get started and don't say I didn't warn you.

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