Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tag Key

An explanation of the tags used on this site:

3D- Discusses the 3D trend.
A long time ago in a movie far away...- Star Wars posts.
A Wrinkle in Time- Problematic cinematic time travel.
Accidental horror- Scary implications of something which wasn't supposed to by horrifying
Accidentally profound- The film makes an interesting philosophical point which is usually exactly opposite of the one it tried to make.
Adaptation comparison- What it sounds like.
Bait-and-switch marketing- A movie that was very different from what was I expected in a negative way.
Boldly going to the cinema- Star Trek posts.
Disney- About a certain movie studio.
Favorites- I loved writing these posts and I think you'll enjoy reading them.
Films- This motion picture is a film as defined in the welcome post.
First viewing log- A list of every movie I've seen for the first time since late September 2011.
Generic non-realisms- Use of a generic term that breaks the suspension of disbelief. Complete definition in the Tron post.
Glaring logic errors- Something that doesn't make sense in the reality of the movie.
Good concept/Poor execution- It was a good idea, they just didn't pull it off that well.
Good Movie/Bad Ending- A good movie ruined by a terrible ending.
Harry Potter and the Adaptation of Rowling- Harry Potter posts.
Movie rules- How I, someone with no film making experience who is not a professional critic and has never even taken a film course, think movies should be made or watched because I totally know better because I have a blog.
Movie-bending- My film adaptation outline of the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Movies- This motion picture is a movie as defined in the welcome post.
MPAA sucks- Comments about the actions of the Motion Picture Association of America
No Complaints- A good movie which isn't hurt by whatever the post is about.
Pixar- Glowing praise for a studio which has done no wrong. (Statement valid until Planes comes out in 2013. [Update: So it looks like Pixar is going to let Disney take the blame for what is sure to be a terrible mess.])
Planning Paradox- A plot too detailed to plan, but too detailed to work without planning. Skyfall is a good example.
Politics- Warning: Exposure to political content can be hazardous to your soul.
Read This First- The welcome post which you probably should have read before I ruined that movie for you.
Reality fact-check- Something doesn't make sense in the reality of reality not explained away by the reality of the movie.
Recursive commentary- Commentary about commentary.
Scott's Razor- Unnecessarily elaborate murder plots. Defined in Skyfall. Perfected by Goldfinger.
Self-help section- Actual advice that can be actually used in actuality.
Stupidity Awareness Moments- Moments of utter inanity which cause you to become hyper-aware of any other flaws in the film. Definition in The Hunger Games post.
Sudden endings-.
Tag Key- Click this link and you will divide by zero and destroy the universe.
The Bond Villain Guidebook- Every villain in Bond history (and many non-Bond characters) have violated at least two rules listed in the Skyfall post. Make sure your evil plots are compliant with these rules.
The Forky Problem- A continuation which has no storytelling reason to exist. Defined in The Offical Pixar Rankings.
Traditional animation rules- About the innate superiority of hand-drawn animation over the computer generated stuff.
Warning: Science content- Discussions about science which may or may not be humorous.
Weird omissions- Something missing from the film that really should have been there.

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